Blood Drive

Church Blood Drive Update: A Huge Success!

We are thrilled to report that last Sunday’s Blood Drive was an incredible success! A total of 25 generous members of our church family stepped up to donate blood, making a profound impact in the lives of many. The Red Cross team, consisting of six dedicated staff members, ensured a smooth and efficient process, with the first donor seated at 11:30 AM and the last leaving around 3:35 PM.

Here are three important reasons why donating blood matters:

1. Saving Lives: Every pint of blood donated has the potential to save up to three lives. Our church’s contribution will help those facing surgeries, emergencies, and chronic illnesses.


2. Supporting Our Community: Blood donations are often needed in local hospitals, meaning your contribution directly impacts the health and well-being of people in our area.

3. Promoting Health and Healing: Regular blood donations not only benefit recipients but also encourage healthier living, and can even alert donors to potential health issues through the screening process.

We are incredibly proud of our church family for rising to the occasion and embodying the spirit of giving. Together, we are truly making a difference in our community and beyond!